Bishop Artemije: The answer to the question regarding the interview

Vladika ArtemijeУ наставку доносимо превод на енглески језик одговора Владике Артемија на питање постављено уредништву ЕРП и КМ у егзилу, а у вези претходног интервјуа (превод – Инфо служба „Срби На Окуп“)

No doubt a recent interview with the Bishop Artemije has caused a lot of interest. This is apparent in the number of reactions and questions that have arrived to the Editorial Board.

However, there often are many questions that have already been answered in the interview. It seems thatwe often want to get to the attitude or response which would suit us, which would support some of our attitudes, which would be in line with some of our ambitions, intentions … Therefore, sometimes we try to extract from the interview even something that it does not say, to find in it even something what is not implied.

The editorial office received the following question:

The question is about this interview with the Bishop and the explanation in the text after the interview. In fact, if I remember well, the Bishop didn’t say it in the interview, and the question that I think I know the answer, and that would be useful for Christians to explain is the following: Are the liturgies performed throughout the Diocese of Raska and Prizren valid, considering that there is mentioned the Bishop Theodosius, which is not the canonical Bishop, but the usurper of the episcopal throne and the adulterer? My opinion is that they are not, because they mention the bishop that, before God, is not a canonical bishop of the diocese … Asking the same question for all the other sacraments.

The Bishop Artemije’s answer to the said question is short and very clear.

Info Service

The answer to this question was given in the interview „Conversations with Bishop Artemije.“ We do not crush the SPC (SOC). What was said about all the dioceses, applies to the Diocese of Raska and Prizren too, regardless of non-canonicity of its „bishop“ the usurper and adulterer. He will pay for his (mis)deeds, but the word of God (= grace) does not bind.

+ Bishop Artemije

Taken from the website of the ERP and KM in exile